title: Review of the Admin:hover Module
date: 2010-08-10
excerpt: My review of Drupal’s admin:hover module.
  - drupal-planet
  - drupal-6
  - drupal-modules
  - admin:hover
  - administration

Sorry for the lack of Blog posts lately, but
[my new job](http://horseandcountry.tv) that I started a few weeks ago has
certainly been keeping me busy! I've got a few more posts that I'm preparing
content for, and I'll hopefully be back into my weekly-post routine before too

Today, I'd like to just give a quick overview of the
[Admin:hover](http://drupal.org/project/admin_hover) module. It basically adds
an administrative menu that pops up when you hover over a node or block within
your Drupal website - the kind of functionality that was present within previous
versions of the [Admin module](http://drupal.org/project/admin). It also
integrates well with the [Devel](http://drupal.org/project/devel) and
[Clone](http://drupal.org/project/node_clone) modules.

I've found this to be extremely useful whilst working on photo galleries etc.
where multiple nodes are displayed in a grid format and I quickly need to
publish or unpublish something for testing purposes. No longer do I need to open
each node, or go into the administration area to perform the required actions.

It is also possible to customise which links are available from within the
adminstration area. The possible selections that I currently have on this site
are as follows:

**Node links:**

- Edit
- Publish
- Unpublish
- Promote
- Unpromote
- Make sticky
- Make unsticky
- Delete
- Clone
- Dev load
- View author
- Edit author
- Add

**Block links:**

- Configure block
- Add block

Although, as I have additional contributed modules installed, some of these may
not neccassaily be available out of the box.