title: Everything is a trade-off
date: 2024-03-15
permalink: daily/2024/03/15/everything-is-a-trade-off
  - software-development
cta: d7eol
snippet: |
  All solutions have advantages and disadvantages. Which works best for you?

I recently added a custom `wrapper` class within a Tailwind CSS project.

It combined the `max-w-6xl`, `mx-auto` and `px-4` classes using `@apply`, which I rarely use.

I added it so we didn't have to add the same classes multiple times.

The advantage was it removed some duplication, but people needed to switch from the Twig template to the CSS file to remember what the `wrapper` class did.

This undoes some of the advantages of Tailwind CSS and utility classes - the ability to stay in one file without needing to context switching, and easily reading what classes are on an element and immediately knowing what styles are applied to it.

Everything is a trade-off.

You need to decide which option feels right for you.