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    Software development is about solving problems and adding value
pubDate: 2023-03-27
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I've recently started as a Mentor for the School of Code, working with a student on their cohort that started last week. Whilst the Bootcamp is focussed on JavaScript and node, and is currently looking at front-end development and using APIs, we've already started talking about different back-end technologies and frameworks.

Something that I've believed for a while is that software development is about solving problems and different languages and frameworks are tools to use to solve the problem and achieve the desired result. The programming fundamentals that he's learning now can be applied to different languages and some may be better depending on the problem that needs to be solved.

I've also said when speaking with a client this week that development is about adding business value.

Whilst there is some value to doing security updates and maintenance to keep an application running and secure, I'd much rather be working on tasks that directly add value for the client like some of the tasks I've done for them recently like improving eCommerce conversions and adding new payment methods or revenue streams.

It's easier for the client to justify and see the results of the work, it improves the experience for their customers or users, and it's more interesting and fulfilling for me.