title: Things aren't perfect
date: 2024-07-24
permalink: daily/2024/07/24/things-aren-t-perfect
    - software-development
cta: ~
snippet: |
    When developing software, things aren't always perfect.

As well as [there not being one right answer][0] when developing software, things aren't always perfect.

You don't always need to strive for the "ideal" solution.

Sometimes, what you have is good enough and can be released and can be iterated on later, if needed.

The focus should be on whether it achieves what it's supposed to.

There isn't always an ideal or perfect solution.

Sometimes, the icky solution is the right one.

[0]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/07/22/there-isnt-just-one-way-to-do-something