title: >
    Too many choices?
pubDate: 2023-07-17
permalink: >-
    - automation
    - terraform

I've recently considered moving my infrastructure automation code from Pulumi to Terraform.

One of Pulumi's features is that you can write your automation in a programming language instead of a domain-specific language (DSL) with Terraform.

As a Developer, this seems appealing, but it poses an important question - which programming language should you use?

I've written and re-written Pulumi code in TypeScript and Python and experimented with Go to see which feels best for me.

If one of these were my primary language, it would be a no-brainer.

## Here's the thing

When I go into my automation repository, I want to write my code as quickly and simply as possible. I don't want to be thinking about how to write it or what language would be best to write it in.

Whilst I'd have to learn another DSL for Terraform, it would simplify my options by removing that choice for me, but also if I write automation code and hand it over to a client.

It's like taking my children to a restaurant.

They'll get overwhelmed if there are too many options on the menu. If we limit the options or order for them, they won't.