title: Actions, Commands or Services?
date: 2025-01-06
permalink: daily/2025/01/06/actions-commands-services
  - software-development
  - drupal
  - php
cta: ~
snippet: |
  To Action or not to Action? I was writing a new class today and wondered whether it should be an Action, Command or Service. Which would you pick?

Today I started to write a new class and was trying to decide what to name it and what pattern I wanted to follow.

Option 1:

class StoreInformationDownloader {

  public function download() {
    // ...

Option 2:

class DownloadStoreInformation {

  public function execute() {
    // ...

Option 1 is a typical Service class.

Option 2 follows the Command or Action pattern.

Which would you choose?