<?php namespace App\Tests; use App\TwigExtension\TalkExtension; use Carbon\Carbon; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; final class TalkExtensionTest extends TestCase { private TalkExtension $subject; public function setUp(): void { $this->subject = new TalkExtension(); } /** @test */ public function it_returns_zero_if_there_are_no_talks(): void { $this->assertSame(0, $this->subject->getPastTalkCount()); } /** @test */ public function it_counts_a_single_event_from_a_single_talk(): void { $talks = [ [ 'title' => 'Building static sites with Sculpin', 'events' => [ [ 'date' => Carbon::today()->subDay()->format('Y-m-d'), ], ] ], ]; $this->assertSame(1, $this->subject->getPastTalkCount($talks)); } /** @test */ public function it_counts_multiple_events_from_a_single_talk(): void { $talks = [ [ 'title' => 'Building static sites with Sculpin', 'events' => [ [ 'date' => Carbon::today()->subDay()->format('Y-m-d'), ], [ 'date' => Carbon::today()->subDay()->format('Y-m-d'), ], ] ], ]; $this->assertSame(2, $this->subject->getPastTalkCount($talks)); } /** @test */ public function it_counts_multiple_events_from_multiple_talks(): void { $talks = [ [ 'title' => 'Building static sites with Sculpin', 'events' => [ [ 'date' => Carbon::today()->subDay()->format('Y-m-d'), ], ] ], [ 'title' => 'TDD - Test Driven Drupal', 'events' => [ [ 'date' => Carbon::today()->subDay()->format('Y-m-d'), ], ] ], ]; $this->assertSame(2, $this->subject->getPastTalkCount($talks)); } /** @test */ public function it_excludes_future_talks(): void { $talks = [ [ 'title' => 'Building static sites with Sculpin', 'events' => [ [ 'date' => Carbon::today()->subDay()->format('Y-m-d'), ], ], ], [ 'title' => 'TDD - Test Driven Drupal', 'events' => [ [ 'date' => Carbon::today()->addDay()->format('Y-m-d'), ], ], ], ]; $this->assertSame(1, $this->subject->getPastTalkCount($talks)); } }