title: Using open source software to build open source software
date: 2024-12-08
permalink: daily/2024/12/08/building-open-source
  - software-development
  - open-source
  - php
  - drupal
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  I use open source software to build open source software.

As well as using [free and open source software for my homelab][0], I develop software applications for clients using open source software, such as PHP, Drupal, Symfony and Sculpin.

I also use open source software to do this.

I use [NixOS as the operating system on my laptop][1].

I use Alacritty as my terminal emulator and tmux as a terminal multiplexer to have different sessions, windows and tabs for each project.

I write my code in Neovim and use various additional plugins.

I use Git for source control and tools like PHPStan, PHPUnit and Pest to run checks on my code.

[I use Nix and devenv][2] to run the applications locally and host them on Linux servers running Nginx.

I also use OBS, Kdenlive and GIMP to record and edit my content, which are all also open source projects.

I run an open source business, using open source tools and projects and contribute to and [maintain my own open source software projects][3].

[0]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/12/07/open-source
[1]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/09/08/my-laptop-died
[2]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/11/30/using-nix-for-local-application-development
[3]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/03/09/override-node-options-40624-drupal-websites