title: Beyond Blocks passes 1,000 downloads
date: 2024-09-10
permalink: daily/2024/09/10/beyond-blocks-passes-1-000-downloads
  - software-development
  - drupal
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  - podcast
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  Beyond Blocks passes 1,000 downloads!

Today, Beyond Blocks - [the podcast I started last year][0] and has 20 published episodes - passed 1,000 total downloads.

I've had some great guests on the show and discussed some interesting topics so far and I have others recorded and guests lined up for future episodes.

This week's episode will be with Eirik Morland again - the first returning guest - where we discuss the improvements and changes that have been made to Violinist.io since we spoke in January.

[The first episode with Erik is here][1] if you want to listen to it beforehand.

Thanks to all the guests and listeners of the podcast, and if you'd like to be a guest or suggest a topic, reply and let me know.

[0]: {{site.url}}/podcast
[1]: {{site.url}}/podcast/8-eirik-morland-violinist