date: 2024-07-18
topic: Automation, Linux training and mechanical keyboards
  - Jochen Lillich
  id: d8858593
  - - Jochen's personal website
    - https://www.geewiz.dev
  - - Jochen on Twitch
    - https://www.twitch.tv/monospacementor
  - - monospacementor.com
    - https://monospacementor.com
  - - freistil.it
    - https://www.freistil.it
talking_points: []
quotes: []
chapters: []

This week, Oliver is joined by the Monospace Mentor - Jochen Lillich.

Jochen and I discuss content creation, live streaming on Twitch and YouTube, infrastructure automation, Linux, mentoring and, of course, mechanical keyboards.