--- layout: ../layouts/PageLayout.astro title: Oliver's Daily List --- import AboutMe from '../components/AboutMe.astro'; import DailyEmailForm from '../components/DailyEmailForm.astro'; import Markdown from '../components/Markdown.astro'; import _ from 'lodash' export const testimonials = [ { name: "Patty O'Callaghan", text: "
Just wanted to say that your blog is amazing <3 I absolutely love it and usually share it with colleagues and some of the kids at my Code Club.
Thanks for contributing to the community with your amazing content! :)
", image: "patty-ocallaghan.jpg" }, { name: "Stephen Mulvihill", text: "I like the \"$ git log -S\" and \"$ git log --grep\" commands, will definitely be using these, thanks!", image: "stephen-mulvihill.jpg" } ] export const sortedTestimonials = _.reverse(testimonials) A daily newsletter on software development, DevOps, community, and open-source.