title: >
    Increasing test coverage with regression tests
pubDate: 2023-09-18
permalink: >-
    - software-development
    - automated-testing
    - test-driven-development

Automated test suites don't tell you everything works - they tell you what you've tested isn't broken.

Having tests doesn't mean your code is bug-free. There could be edge cases or scenarios you haven't tested for that contain bugs, even though your test suite is passing.

## What do we do?

When you find a bug, try replicating it within an automated test before attempting to fix it.

Once you have a failing test and can replicate the issue, go ahead and fix it.

If the test passes, you know you've fixed the bug and solved the issue.

## Here's the thing

Now you have this test, you cannot re-add the bug again without the test failing. You've prevented anyone from accidentally re-introducing it in the future and increased your test coverage.