--- title: > hover + focus = hocus pubDate: 2023-12-20 permalink: >- archive/2023/12/20/hover-focus-hocus tags: - software-development - accessibility - css - tailwind-css --- When creating accessible websites, as well as hover states for focusable elements, such as buttons, you also need to add focus styles that apply when users navigate the page using a keyboard and focusing on an element. With Tailwind, that can mean a lot of duplication if your hover and focus states are similar or the same, as the same classes need to be added with both the `:hover` and `:focus` variants. One of Tailwind's best features is its extensibility, which means I can create a new interaction state - `:hocus` - that works for both. It's very easy to do by adding this code to your `tailwind.config.js` or `tailwind.config.ts` file: ```javascript const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin"); module.exports = plugin(({ addVariant }) => { addVariant("hocus", ["&:hover", "&:focus"]); }); ``` Or, use [the Tailwind CSS plugin I wrote][plugin]. Get more accessible websites and less duplication today! [plugin]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/tailwindcss-plugin-hocus-state