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                <h2>Publishing Sculpin Sites with GitHub Pages</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">13th July 2017</p>

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<p>Earlier this week I moved this site from my personal Linode server to <a href="https://pages.github.com">GitHub Pages</a>.</p>

<p>This made sense as I already kept the source code in <a href="https://github.com/opdavies/oliverdavies.uk">on GitHub</a>, the issue was that GitHub Pages doesn’t know how to dynamically parse and generate a Sculpin site like it does with some other static site generators. It can though parse and serve HTML files, which is what Sculpin generates. It’s just a case of how those files are added to GitHub.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2017/07/13/publishing-sculpin-sites-with-github-pages">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Introducing the Drupal Meetups Twitterbot</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">9th June 2017</p>

                                    <p><img src="/assets/images/blog/drupal-meetups-twitterbot.png" alt="" class="is-centered"></p>

<p>The <a href="https://github.com/opdavies/drupal-meetups-twitterbot">Drupal Meetups Twitterbot</a> is a small project that I worked on a few months ago, but hadn't got around to promoting yet. It’s intention is to provide <a href="https://twitter.com/drupal_meetups">one Twitter account</a> where people can get the up to date news from various Drupal meetups.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2017/06/09/introducing-the-drupal-meetups-twitterbot">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Turning Your Custom Drupal Module into a Feature</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">20th May 2017</p>

                                    <p>Yesterday I was fixing a bug in an inherited Drupal 7 custom module, and I decided that I was going to add some tests to ensure that the bug was fixed and doesn’t get accidentially re-introduced in the future. The test though required me to have a particular content type and fields which are specific to this site, so weren’t present within the standard installation profile used to run tests.</p>

<p>I decided to convert the custom module into a <a href="https://www.drupal.org/project/features">Feature</a> so that the content type and it’s fields could be added to it, and therefore present on the testing site once the module is installed.</p>

<p>To do this, I needed to expose the module to the Features API.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2017/05/20/turning-drupal-module-into-feature">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>DrupalCamp Bristol 2017 - Early Bird Tickets, Call for Sessions, Sponsors</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">15th May 2017</p>

                                    <p><img src="/assets/images/blog/drupalcamp-bristol-17-logo.jpg" alt="DrupalCamp Bristol 2017 logo" class="is-centered"></p>

<p>In less than two months time, <a href="https://2017.drupalcampbristol.co.uk">DrupalCamp Bristol</a> will be back for our third year! (July seems to come around quicker each year). This is this year’s schedule and venues:</p>

<li>30th June - CXO (Business) day - <a href="http://www.watershed.co.uk">Watershed</a></li>
<li>1st July - Developer conference - <a href="http://www.bris.ac.uk/chemistry">University of Bristol, School of Chemistry</a></li>
<li>2nd July - Contribution sprints - Venue TBC</li>

                <a href="/blog/2017/05/15/drupalcamp-bristol-early-bird-tickets-sessions-sponsors">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Fixing Drupal SimpleTest issues inside Docker Containers</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">5th May 2017</p>

                                    <p>I’ve been a Drupal VM user for a long time, but lately I’ve been using a combination Drupal VM and Docker for my local development environment. There were a couple of issues preventing me from completely switching to Docker - one of which being that when I tried running of my Simpletest tests, a lot of them would fail where they would pass when run within Drupal VM.</p>

<p>Here’s an excerpt from my <code>docker-compose.yml</code> file:</p>

                <a href="/blog/2017/05/05/fixing-drupal-simpletest-docker">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Nginx Redirects With Query String Arguments</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">31st January 2017</p>

                                    <p>This is an example of how my Nginx configuration looked to redirect from an old domain to a new one, and also to redirect from the root <code>example.com</code> domain to the canonical <code>www</code> subdomain.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2017/01/31/nginx-redirects-with-query-string-arguments">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Easier Sculpin Commands with Composer and NPM Scripts</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">7th January 2017</p>

                                    <p>In this video, I show you how I've simplied my Sculpin and Gulp workflow using custom Composer and NPM scripts.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2017/01/07/easier-sculpin-commands-with-composer-and-npm-scripts">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Drupal VM Generator 2.9.1 Released</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">30th December 2016</p>

                                    <p>I spent some time yesterday working on the <a href="http://www.drupalvmgenerator.com">Drupal VM Generator</a>, and have released versions 2.8.1, 2.9.0 and 2.9.1.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2016/12/30/drupal-vm-generator-291-released">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Building Gmail Filters with PHP</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">15th July 2016</p>

                                    <p>Earlier this week I wrote a small PHP library called GmailFilterBuilder that allows you to write Gmail filters in PHP and export them to XML.

I was already aware of a Ruby library called gmail-britta that does the same thing, but a) I’m not that familiar with Ruby so the syntax &hellip;</p>
                <a href="/blog/2016/07/15/building-gmail-filters-with-php">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Simplifying Drupal Migrations with xautoload</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">3rd May 2016</p>

                                    <p>How to use the <a href="https://www.drupal.org/project/xautoload">xautoload</a> module to autoload migration classes within your Drupal 7 migration modules.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2016/05/03/simplifying-drupal-migrations-with-xautoload">Read more &rarr;</a>

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