title: Deploying PHP applications with Ansible, Ansible Vault and Ansistrano
description: |
    How to use Ansible and Ansistrano to perform robust, secure deployments of
    your PHP applications.
    id: c11fe635ed8f4741b35bf3ebe53e8323
    ratio: '1.77777777777778'
    url: https://speakerdeck.com/opdavies/deploying-php-applications-with-ansible-ansible-vault-and-ansistrano
    type: youtube
    id: dQL-gOnxXCM
    - name: Drupal Bristol
      date: 2019-01-23
      location: Bristol, UK
      url: https://www.drupalbristol.org.uk

    - name: PHP South Wales
      date: 2019-07-23
      location: Cardiff, UK
      url: https://www.phpsouthwales.uk

    - name: DrupalCon Europe 2019
      date: 2019-10-30
      location: Amsterdam, NL
      url: https://events.drupal.org/amsterdam2019

    - name: Bristol Cloud Native & DevOps
      date: 2020-01-30
      location: Bristol, UK
      url: https://www.meetup.com/Bristol-Cloud-Native-DevOps/events/266609627

    - name: Drupal Edinburgh
      date: 2020-03-12
      location: Edinburgh, UK
      url: https://www.meetup.com/Drupal-Edinburgh/events/267905594
      is_online: true

    - name: CMS Philly
      date: 2020-05-01
      location: Philadelphia, USA
      url: https://cmsphilly.org
      is_online: true

    - name: Drupal Yorkshire
      date: 2020-05-21
      location: Leeds, UK
      url: https://www.meetup.com/DrupalYorkshire/events/zwzsfpybchbcc
      is_online: true

    - name: PHP London
      date: 2020-06-04
      location: London, UK
      url: https://www.meetup.com/phplondon/events/270930524
      is_online: true

    - name: PHP North East
      date: 2020-06-16
      location: Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
      url: https://www.meetup.com/phpnortheast
      is_online: true

    - name: PHP Sussex
      date: 2020-07-01
      location: Brighton, UK
      url: https://www.meetup.com/PHP-Sussex/events/271472628
      is_online: true

    - name: Midwest PHP
      date: 2021-04-23
      location: ~
      url: https://midwestphp.org/talks/1q5XUF2tTdXXLYOoujMkpF/Deploying_PHP_applications_with_Ansible_Ansible_Vault_and_Ansistrano
      is_online: true

    - name: PHP Oxford
      date: 2021-04-28
      location: Oxford, UK
      url: https://www.meetup.com/PHP-Oxford/events/qmbkfsyccgblc
      is_online: true

    - name: Ansible London
      date: 2021-05-25
      location: London, UK
      url: https://www.meetup.com/Ansible-London/events/278093392
      is_online: true

    - name: DrupalNYC
      date: 2021-06-15
      location: New York, USA
      url: https://ti.to/drupalnyc/lunch-learn-2021-06-15
      is_online: true

Great! You’ve built your website, and now you just need to deploy it. There are
various ways that this could be done - from (S)FTP, to SCP and rsync, to
running commands like `git pull` and `composer install` directly on the server
which is not ideal.

As well provisioning and maintaining your server configuration and running
commands, you can also use [Ansible](https://www.ansible.com) to deploy your
PHP application - leveraging relevant Ansible modules such as Git and Composer,
custom Ansible roles, [Ansible Vault](https:
//docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/vault.html) for managing secrets,
and features such as idempotency out of the box to build a simple deployment
playbook. We can then extend that and make it more robust by adding [Ansistrano]
(https://ansistrano.com) - a port of [Capistrano](https://capistranorb.com) -
which adds extra features such as storing multiple builds for each project and
the ability to roll-back if needed, customising your build steps using built-in
hooks, multi-stage environments and more.

I've been using Ansible and Ansistrano to deploy a variety of PHP projects -
including Drupal 7 & 8, Symfony, Laravel and Sculpin, as well as basic HTML
websites, and found it to be very flexible and easy to install and use, and by
the end of this talk we will have a fully working deployment playbook,
deploying real code onto a real server.