layout: front
title: About Me
        title: 'Oliver Davies - Full Stack Developer, System Administrator, PHP and Drupal specialist'
        description: 'The personal website and blog of Oliver Davies, a Full Stack Developer and System Administrator from Wales, UK.'
        type: website
permalink: /
<div class="mb-4 w-32"><img src="/images/me-precedent.jpg" alt="Picture of Oliver" class="rounded-full border border-gray"/></div>

Hi, I'm Oliver Davies (aka [opdavies](https://www.google.com/#q=opdavies)).
I’m a {{ site.work.role }} at [{{site.companies[site.work.company].name}}]({{site.companies[site.work.company].url}}) and a part-time freelance Web Developer, based in Wales, UK.

I’ve been a Developer since 2007 and specialise in using Drupal, Symfony and Vue.js, though I also use other technologies including Laravel and Sculpin.
I use Ansible for server provisioning and application deployments.

I’m an [Acquia certified](https://certification.acquia.com/user/1647756) Drupal 8 Grand Master, and Webmaster and Documentation Maintainer on [Drupal.org](https://www.drupal.org).
I was previously a Developer for the [{{site.companies.drupal_association.name}}]({{site.companies.drupal_association.url}}).

I regularly [give talks](/talks) at user groups and conferences,
and am an organiser of the [{{site.events.php_south_wales.name}}]({{site.events.php_south_wales.url}}) user group.

I enjoy contributing to open source, and maintain a variety of different projects.
You can see these on my [Drupal.org]({{site.drupalorg.url}}) and [GitHub]({{site.github.url}}) accounts.