title: Almost at 100 talks and workshops
date: 2024-04-21
permalink: archive/2024/04/21/almost-at-100-talks-and-workshops
    - software-development
    - drupal
    - drupalcamp
    - php
    - public-speaking
cta: ~
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    I'm almost at 100 talks and presentations given!

[My talks page][talks] on my website says I've presented 98 talks and workshops at different events since September 2012.

Next month, I'm giving two talks at DrupalCamp Ghent.

One on [automated testing and test-driven development][testing] and another on [Tailwind CSS].

This means that these will be my 99th and 100th presentations!

I enjoy speaking at events such as meetups and conferences, and I hope people have learned from them as well.

[tailwind css]: {{site.url}}/talks/taking-flight-with-tailwind-css
[testing]: {{site.url}}/talks/tdd-test-driven-drupal
[talks]: {{site.url}}/talks