--- title: Live Blogging From SymfonyLive London 2019 tags: - conference - symfony - symfonylive - php --- Inspired by [Matt Stauffer](https://twitter.com/stauffermatt)'s [live blogging of the keynote](https://mattstauffer.com/blog/introducing-laravel-vapor) at Laracon US, I’m going to do the same for the sessions that I’m attending at [SymfonyLive London 2019](https://london2019.live.symfony.com)... ## Keynote (Back to the basics) **Embrace the Linux philosophy** * How we grow the Symfony ecosystem. Built abstracts. * HttpFoundation, HttpKernel * Moved to infrastructure * A few abstractions on top of PHP. Improved versions of PHP functions (`dump` and `var_dump`) * Started a add higher level abstractions (e.g. Mailer), built on the lower ones. * Recently worked on PHPUnit assertions. Mailer in Symony 4.4. Can test if an email is sent or queued **Building flexible high-level abstractions on top of low-level ones** ### What's next? * Mailer announced in London last year. New component. * System emails? e.g. new customer, new invoice. * Symfony Mailer = Built-in responsive, flexible, and generic system emails - Twig with TwigExtraBundle - Twig `inky-extra` package (Twig 1.12+) - Zurb Foundation for Emails CSS stylesheet - Twig `cssinliner-extra` package (Twig 1.12+) - Optimised Twig layouts * `SystemEmail` class extends templated email * Can set importance, * Customisable * Always trying to keep flexible, so things can be overidden and customised ### Sending SMS messages * new `Texter` and `SmsMessage` class for sending SMS messages * Same abstraction as emails, but for SMS messages * Based on HttpClient + Symfony Messenger and third-party providers (Twilio and Nexmo) `twilio://` and `nemxo://` * Can set via transport `$sms->setTransport('nexmo')` * Extend the `SystemEmail` and do what you want * Failover ### Sending Messages * Create `ChatMessage` * Telegram and Slack * `$message->setTransport('telegram')`, `$bus->dispatch($message)` * Send to Slack **and** Telegram * `SlackOptions` and `TelegramOptions` for adding emojis etc * Common transport layer `TransportInterface`, `MessageInterface` * Failover - e.g. if Twilio is down, send to Telegram ### New component - SymfonyNotifier * Channels - email, SMS, chat * Transport, slack, telegram, twilio * Create a notification, arguments are message and transports (array) * Receiver * Customise notifications, `InvoiceNotification` extends `Notification`. `getChannels` * Override default rendering * `ChatNotificationInterface` - `asChatMessage()` * Semantic configuration * `composer req twilio-notifier telegram-notifier` * Channels - Mailer - Chatter - Texter - Browser - Pusher (iOS, Android, Desktop native notifications) - Database (web notification centre) - **A unified way to notify Users via a unified Transport layer** * Each integration is only 40 lines of code ### What about a SystemNotification? * Autoconfigured channels * `new SystemNotification`, `Notifier::getSystemReceivers` * Importance, automatically configures channels * Different channels based on importance * `ExceptionNotification` - get email with stack trace attached Notifier * send messages via a unified api * send to one or many receivers * Default configu or custom one ### How can we leverage this new infrastructure? * `Monolog NotifierHandler` - triggered on `Error` level logs * Uses notified channel configuration * Converts Error level logs to importance levels * Configurablelike other Notifications * 40 lines of code * Failed Messages Listener - 10 lines of glue code * **Experimental component in 5.0** * Can't in in 4.4 as it's a LTS version * First time an experimental component is added * Stable in 5.1 ## Queues, busses and the Messenger component (Tobias Nyholm) * Stack is top and buttom - Last-in, first-out * Queue is back and front - last in, first out ### 2013 * Using Symfony, used 40 or 50 bundles in a project - too much information! * Used to copy and paste, duplicate a lot of code * Testing your controllers - controllers as services? * Controllers are 'comfortable' * Tried adding `CurrentUserProvider` service to core, should be passed as an argument. Cannot test. * 'Having Symfony all over the place wasn't the best thing' - when to framework (Matthias Noback) - Hexagonal architecture - Keep your kernel away from infrastructure. Let the framework handle the infrastructure. * Controller -> Command -> Command Bus -> `CommandHandler` ### 2016 * New intern. Understand everything, 'just PHP'. Plain PHP application, not 'scary Symfony' ### What did we win? * Can leverage Middleware with a command bus * Queues as a service (RabbitMQ) * Work queue - one producer, multiple consumers * Queues should be durable - messages are also stored on disk, consumers should acknowledge a message once a message is handled