title: Running tests in parallel with Paratest
date: 2024-02-07
permalink: daily/2024/02/07/running-tests-in-parallel-with-paratest
snippet: |
  Run your tests quicker by executing them in parallel with Paratest.
  - software-development
  - automated-testing
  - test-driven-development
  - phpunit

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Something that I've recently added to my PHP projects is [Paratest].

It adds parallel testing to PHPUnit, so your tests will be run in parallel instead of sequentially.

For the example module in my [automated testing in Drupal email course][atdc], using Paratest reduces the execution time from ~16 seconds to ~8 seconds.

In a client project with 136 tests, it reduces the time from four and a half minutes to less than two minutes.

This is a big improvement just from running a single Composer command to add Paratest.

There's also [an open issue][issue] for using it for Drupal core's tests, which is something I'll keep an eye on and will look to contribute to.

[atdc]: {{site.url}}/atdc
[issue]: https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2781123
[paratest]: https://github.com/paratestphp/paratest
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[subscription]: {{site.url}}/subscription
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