title: >
  Making my Drupal module template Drupal 10 compatible
pubDate: 2023-04-21
permalink: >-
  - drupal
  - php

Today, I made my [Drupal module template](https://github.com/opdavies/drupal-module-template) compatible with Drupal 10.

Because Drupal 10 is developed from Drupal 9, the changes between the two and the changes required are minimal.

In this case, I only needed to change the `core_version_requirement` in `drupal_module_template.info.yml` from `^9` to `^9 || ^10` - meaning the template works for both Drupal 9 and 10, so there's no need for different versions.

If it used any deprecated code that was removed before Drupal 10, I'd have needed to update it to use the Drupal 10-compliant code.

Updating to new major Drupal versions is much easier than it used to be!