title: Experimenting with web components
date: 2024-02-29
permalink: daily/2024/02/29/experimenting-with-web-components
    - softare-development
    - web-components
    - front-end
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    After speaking with Mark Conroy, I've been experimenting with web components.

After my Beyond Blocks episode with Mark Conroy, I've spent some time this week experimenting with web components.

The team and I are building a new design system in Fractal and, as Drupal is our main application, we're using Twig as our templating language within Fractal so the changes are easier to port between systems.

Web components are agnostic, so they work within different languages and frameworks.

We also use other technologies, such as Vue.js, and third-party suppliers, so having an agnostic web component would reduce the time and effort needed to implement the design system across different technologies and applications.

If we can make self-contained web components that include their own styling and behaviour, that also improves re-usability and reduces the maintenance overhead as there would be one canonical version for everyone to use - not just a reference implementation everyone would need to recreate.

After this spike, I'm intrigued to see how we could use web components and what potential issues we can solve with them whilst reducing our implementation and maintenance efforts.

Are you interested in web components, too? [Listen to the podcast episode with Mark Conroy][episode].

[episode]: {{site.url}}/podcast/11-mark-conroy