name: Oliver Davies description: Lead Software Developer. Freelancer. Drupal and PHP specialist. locale: en-GB avatar: url: '/sites/default/files/images/social-avatar.jpg' calendars: consultation: id: 83087702 name: Book a consultation url: '%savvycal.url%/' mentoring: name: Book a mentoring check-in url: pairing: name: Book a pairing session url: drupalorg: name: opdavies url: '' github: gist: url: '' name: opdavies url: '' menus: footer: - title: Calendars href: /calendars is_active: '^/calendars/?' - title: Pair with me href: /pair-with-me is_active: '^/pair-with-me/?' - title: Test Driven Drupal href: /test-driven-drupal is_active: '^/test-driven-drupal/?' - title: Recommendations href: /recommendations - title: RSS feed href: /rss.xml - title: Uses href: /uses - title: Speaker information href: /speaker-information - title: href: '%drupalorg.url%' is_active: false - title: Packagist href: '%packagist.url%' is_active: false - title: GitHub href: '%github.url%' is_active: false - title: GitHub gists href: '%github.gist.url%' is_active: false - title: Twitter href: '%twitter.url%' is_active: false - title: YouTube href: '' is_active: false main: - title: About href: / is_active: '^//$' - title: Blog href: /blog is_active: '^/blog/?' - title: Talks href: /talks is_active: '^/talks/?' packagist: name: opdavies url: '' plausible: domain: ~ savvycal: name: opdavies url: '' speakerdeck: name: opdavies url: '' twitter: name: opdavies url: '' work: company: name: Transport for Wales url: role: Lead Software Developer youtube: channel: id: UCkeK0qF9HHUPQH_fvn4ghqQ url: ''