title: My Drupal testing email course is live
date: 2024-01-11
permalink: archive/2024/01/11/my-drupal-testing-email-course-is-live
snippet: |
    Do you want to learn automated testing in Drupal? My free email course is live! Learn from a DrupalCon speaker, workshop trainer, and module maintainer how to write tests in Drupal.
    - softare-development
    - drupal
    - php
    - phpc
    - automated-testing
    - test-driven-development

{% block content %}
Do you want to learn automated testing in Drupal?

My free email course is live!

Learn how to write tests in Drupal from a DrupalCon speaker, workshop trainer, and module maintainer (me!).

Register for the course and get a lesson each day where you build a module from scratch with automated tests and test-driven development based on my previous talks and workshops.

All emails are sent from my personal email address, so if you have questions or issues, you can press reply and let me know. I'll be happy to help!

Happy testing!
{% endblock %}

{% block cta %}
P.S. Did you on this list by mistake? If you want the email course but are getting these daily emails instead, feel free to unsubscribe from this list and re-register for the course at [{{site.url}}/atdc]({{site.url}}/atdc).
{% endblock %}