title: >
    Things to know about PHP
pubDate: 2023-01-17
permalink: >-
    - php

The talk that I gave last week at PHP Stoke was [Things to know about PHP](https://www.oliverdavies.uk/talks/things-you-should-know-about-php) - a talk that I was originally asked to give at the Swansea Software Development Meetup (SSDC) in January 2019, and this was the second time that I've been asked to give this talk at a PHP meetup.

Originally to give a group of various Software Developers an introduction to PHP, I didn't want the talk to be focused just on the language itself and be a walkthough the PHP manual.

Whilst there is some code in the talk so demonstrate what it can do, the other half of the talk is about the other parts of the PHP ecosystem such as tooling and the community. I talk about tools like Composer, PHPStan, Xdebug, PHPUnit and Pest, the CMSes and frameworks that are available, and the various online learning tools like SymfonyCasts and Laracasts as well as certification programs that are available.

It's great to give this talk at meetups as that's where the community starts, where people come to share and learn, and what larger conferences like PHP UK, php[tek] and others are built on. I love attending meetups and events and meeting other members of the PHP community.

Oh, and elePHPants!

The latest versions of the slides are on the Talks section of my website (the link is at the top of the email).

If you'd like me to come and speak at your meetup or conference, please get in touch!