title: Communities and contribution
description: Why I mentor, why I've organised meetups and conferences, why I give talks, and why I maintain and contribute to open-source software.
    id: 63c2fcc2294641688f433d062282a968
    ratio: "1.78343949044586"
    url: https://speakerdeck.com/opdavies/building-and-presenting-slide-decks-with-rst2pdf
        name: TechConnect London
        location: London, UK
        date: 2023-09-28
        url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/techconnect-london-tickets-698416712187

I'm a self-taught Developer who's been writing code since 2007, working with and contributing to open-source technologies. I've been a mentor at events like DrupalCon and for bootcamps, including School of Code.

I'm part of different open-source and tech communities, organised meetups and conferences, and have given nearly 100 presentations.

In this talk, I'll speak more about the communities I'm part of, my contributions, how I started, why I do it, and who benefits and how.