title: Ask questions
date: 2024-05-30
permalink: daily/2024/05/30/ask-questions
  - software-development
cta: ~
snippet: |
  Don't ask only technical questions.

As a Software Developer, it's common to hear that you need to ask questions to progress or work efficiently.

You shouldn't just ask technical questions, though.

Also ask questions like:

- What do we want to achieve by delivering this feature?
- How do we know if it's a success (or not)?
- What business value does this add and who will benefit?
- Why do this now? Why not wait a few months or not do it at all?
- Is there an existing solution for this?
- Can we achieve the same or a similar result in a different way?

As well as knowing how to do something, it's important to know why it needs to be done.