title: Drupal London

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Thank you for attending my session for the Drupal London meetup.

You can [view the slides and previous recording][slides] of the talk on this website and [the example repository on GitHub][repo].

If you want to learn more, I released a [free 10-day email course][course] on automated testing in Drupal and [live stream on YouTube][youtube]. Most recently, [I contributed tests to the Content Access by Path module][video].

## Can we work together?

Drupal, automated testing and test-driven development are some of my favourite subjects to teach.

If you want me to teach your team to do test-driven development, team training is included within my [unlimited monthly Drupal consulting][consulting].

## Stay in touch

The best way to stay in touch with me is my [email list] to which I send daily emails about Drupal and software development.

All emails are sent from my personal email address, so you can press reply and contact me directly.

I also host the [Beyond Blocks podcast][podcast] where I discuss Drupal, PHP and other software-related topics with people.

[consulting]: /consulting
[course]: /atdc
[email list]: /daily
[podcast]: /podcast
[repo]: http://github.com/opdavies/drupal-london-meetup
[slides]: /presentations/tdd-test-driven-drupal
[video]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTpliKd47Lg
[youtube]: https://www.youtube.com/@opdavies

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