title: One more month of Drupal 7
date: 2024-12-06
permalink: daily/2024/12/06/one-more-month
  - software-development
  - drupal
  - drupal7
  - php
cta: d7eol
snippet: |
  There's only one more month of Drupal 7 support!

On the 5th of January, Drupal 7 will be end of life and have no further updates.

[Released in January 2011](https://www.drupal.org/blog/drupal-70-is-released), Drupal 7 will be 14 years old in January and will have outlived Drupal 8 and 9 which are already unsupported.

There are a lot of Drupal 7 sites still in production, but it's been interesting to see usage numbers for the Override Node Options module [decrease for Drupal 7 and increase for Drupal 8+][0] over the last year.

I'm excited to see Drupal usage continue to move towards the newer versions so everyone can benefit from the new features and improvements in Drupal 10 and 11 and the new Drupal CMS project.

[0]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/11/16/an-interesting-thing-i-spotted-about-the-override-node-options-module