title: Building different-looking UIs with consistent class names
date: 2024-11-22
permalink: daily/2024/11/22/building-different-looking-uis-with-consistent-class-names
  - software-development
  - css
  - tailwind-css
cta: ~
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  With consistent class names from Tailwind CSS, you can build dramatically different-looking UIs.

Something I've said when [speaking about Tailwind CSS][0] and also during [my recent consulting engagement][2], is that you can build dramatically different-looking UIs even though you're using the same class names.

For example, I've rebuilt [the Bartik theme][3], [the Acquia hosting dashboard][4] and [various other UIs][5] for talk demos - none of which look the same or are even similar.

This website is themed with Tailwind CSS.

As the classes are very low-level, there is no "Tailwind-looking website" like there is with other CSS frameworks.

And, when you move to other application, the same classes are there and available to use.

You just need to customise them, use what you need and ignore what you don't.

[0]: {{site.url}}/presentations/taking-flight-with-tailwind-css.md
[2]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/11/19/tailwind-css-v4-is-so-easy-to-set-up
[3]: https://rebuilding-bartik.oliverdavies.uk
[4]: https://rebuilding-acquia.oliverdavies.uk
[5]: https://rebuilding-bristol-js.oliverdavies.uk