title: Thinking of new ideas
date: 2024-10-26
permalink: daily/2024/10/26/thinking-of-new-ideas
  - software-development
cta: d7eol
snippet: |
  I'm thinking of new ideas for SaaS applications or products.

As well as my consulting and development work, and educational content such as my [automated testing email course][0], I'd like to release something as a project people can use or a SaaS product for people to purchase.

One of my original ideas was to build a website for speakers to upload and manage their presentations, but I found [Symposium][1].

I was building a hosted dashboard for multiple Drupal applications so people could see all their projects and available updates in one place, but someone made me aware of [Drupal Remote Dashboard][2]. Whilst it's not exactly the same, the idea is similar, so I'm thinking whether to continue with this.

I have a short list of other ideas, but if you have one, reply and let me know.

[0]: {{site.url}}/atdc
[1]: https://symposiumapp.com
[2]: https://www.drupal-remote-dashboard.com