title: Aliases and abbreviations
date: 2024-06-22
permalink: daily/2024/06/22/aliases-and-abbreviations
    - software-development
    - zsh
cta: ~
snippet: |
    Aliases and abbreviations

Yesterday, I said [not to use custom shell aliases and functions][0] during presentations and group programming sessions to avoid confusion.

I use aliases, but they expand after I type them, the same as as snippet in an IDE or text editor.

Me and everyone else can see the underlying command, and that's also what's saved in my shell history.

I still have the benefit of not having to type the whole command without obscuring it.

I used to have custom code in my zsh configuration, but recently [switched to zsh-abbr][1].

The first impressions are positive and I no longer need to maintain my custom code.

I use aliases for commands I don't want to expand, but I've moved everything else has moved to abbreviations.

If you use zsh, I recommend trying it.

[0]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/06/21/dont-use-aliases
[1]: https://github.com/opdavies/dotfiles.nix/commit/0df5f17dae4328546b5d08eef141656a5de2b522