title: >
  Tailwind CSS at the Norfolk Developer Conference
pubDate: 2023-03-01
permalink: >-
  - speaking
  - tailwind-css

Last week, I was at the Norfolk Developer's Conference, aka `nor(DEV):con` - my first in-person conference since DrupalCamp London in February 2020.

I've been excited about this conference since I received the acceptance email in November, inviting me to give my [Taking Flight with Tailwind CSS](https://www.oliverdavies.uk/talks/taking-flight-with-tailwind-css) talk.

The talk itself went well and included some changes following the Bristol Software Development meetup last month. The last time I gave this talk prior to that was remotely for Nashville PHP in February 2021 and a lot of new things have been added to Tailwind CSS since then for me to include.

My next talk will be at the PHP London meetup next month (subject TBC) as I continue working towards my hundredth presentation.