title: >
  Does it depend on who you ask?
pubDate: 2023-05-02
permalink: >-
  - drupal
  - php
  - phpc

The answer to "[Should Drupal 7 support be extended again?]({{site.url}}/archive/2023/05/01/should-drupal-7-support-be-extended-again)" might depend on who you ask.

If you ask a Developer or agency, the answer would likely be that it shouldn't be extended again, and D7 should be sunsetted.

Clients and end-users who haven't yet upgraded would likely say it should be extended.

But if it's extended - and maybe again next year and the next - where's the incentive to upgrade?

Some people won't upgrade regardless and will continue until their site breaks.

That would be messy (and costly) to fix, though!

P.S. Are you still using Drupal 7 and don’t know what’s involved to upgrade to Drupal 10? Book a [Drupal 7 upgrade consultation call]({{site.url}}/call).