declare module 'astro:content' { interface Render { '.mdx': Promise<{ Content: import('astro').MarkdownInstance<{}>['Content']; headings: import('astro').MarkdownHeading[]; remarkPluginFrontmatter: Record; }>; } } declare module 'astro:content' { interface Render { '.md': Promise<{ Content: import('astro').MarkdownInstance<{}>['Content']; headings: import('astro').MarkdownHeading[]; remarkPluginFrontmatter: Record; }>; } } declare module 'astro:content' { export { z } from 'astro/zod'; export type CollectionEntry = (typeof entryMap)[C][keyof (typeof entryMap)[C]]; // TODO: Remove this when having this fallback is no longer relevant. 2.3? 3.0? - erika, 2023-04-04 /** * @deprecated * `astro:content` no longer provide `image()`. * * Please use it through `schema`, like such: * ```ts * import { defineCollection, z } from "astro:content"; * * defineCollection({ * schema: ({ image }) => * z.object({ * image: image(), * }), * }); * ``` */ export const image: never; // This needs to be in sync with ImageMetadata export type ImageFunction = () => import('astro/zod').ZodObject<{ src: import('astro/zod').ZodString; width: import('astro/zod').ZodNumber; height: import('astro/zod').ZodNumber; format: import('astro/zod').ZodUnion< [ import('astro/zod').ZodLiteral<'png'>, import('astro/zod').ZodLiteral<'jpg'>, import('astro/zod').ZodLiteral<'jpeg'>, import('astro/zod').ZodLiteral<'tiff'>, import('astro/zod').ZodLiteral<'webp'>, import('astro/zod').ZodLiteral<'gif'>, import('astro/zod').ZodLiteral<'svg'> ] >; }>; type BaseSchemaWithoutEffects = | import('astro/zod').AnyZodObject | import('astro/zod').ZodUnion | import('astro/zod').ZodDiscriminatedUnion | import('astro/zod').ZodIntersection< import('astro/zod').AnyZodObject, import('astro/zod').AnyZodObject >; type BaseSchema = | BaseSchemaWithoutEffects | import('astro/zod').ZodEffects; export type SchemaContext = { image: ImageFunction }; type BaseCollectionConfig = { schema?: S | ((context: SchemaContext) => S); }; export function defineCollection( input: BaseCollectionConfig ): BaseCollectionConfig; type EntryMapKeys = keyof typeof entryMap; type AllValuesOf = T extends any ? T[keyof T] : never; type ValidEntrySlug = AllValuesOf<(typeof entryMap)[C]>['slug']; export function getEntryBySlug< C extends keyof typeof entryMap, E extends ValidEntrySlug | (string & {}) >( collection: C, // Note that this has to accept a regular string too, for SSR entrySlug: E ): E extends ValidEntrySlug ? Promise> : Promise | undefined>; export function getCollection>( collection: C, filter?: (entry: CollectionEntry) => entry is E ): Promise; export function getCollection( collection: C, filter?: (entry: CollectionEntry) => unknown ): Promise[]>; type ReturnTypeOrOriginal = T extends (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : T; type InferEntrySchema = import('astro/zod').infer< ReturnTypeOrOriginal['schema']> >; const entryMap: { "talks": { "": { id: "", slug: "about-drupal-association", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "automated-testing-test-driven-development-drupal-8", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "building-presenting-slide-decks-rst2pdf", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "building-static-websites-sculpin", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "configuring-all-the-things-drupal-8", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "dancing-for-drupal", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "decoupling-drupal-vuejs", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "deploying-drupal-fabric", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "deploying-php-fabric", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "drupal-8-module-development", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "drupal-8-php-libraries-drupalorg-api", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "drupal-8-rejoining-the-herd", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "drupal-8", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "drupal-ldap-module", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "drupal-vm-generator", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "drupal-vm-meet-symfony-console", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "drupalorg-2015", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "drush-make-drupalbristol", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "getting-your-data-into-drupal-8", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "git-flow", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "goodbye-drush-make-hello-composer", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "introduction-to-mob-programming", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "it-all-started-with-a-patch", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "modern-drupal-development-with-composer", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "out-of-the-box-initiative-update", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "so-what-is-this-drupal-thing", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "taking-flight-with-tailwind-css", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "tdd-test-driven-drupal", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "test-drive-twig-with-sculpin", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "things-you-should-know-about-php", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "upgrading-your-site-drupal-9", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "using-illuminate-collections-outside-laravel", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "working-with-workspace", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, "": { id: "", slug: "working-without-workspace", body: string, collection: "talks", data: any } & { render(): Render[".md"] }, }, }; type ContentConfig = typeof import("../src/content/config"); }