title: "Why I write tests, and why I do test-driven development"
excerpt: |
    A free chapter from my Test-Driven Drupal book, where I explain how I why I started with and continue using automated testing and doing test-driven development.
tags: [testing]
date: ~
draft: true

One of my goals for this year is do more writing, like this blog post, but also eBooks - which I've been wanting to write for a long time.

I had an idea some time ago to write about automated testing and test-driven development in Drupal - inspired by other courses and books like [Ansible for Devops](https://www.ansiblefordevops.com) by Jeff Geerling, and [Refactoring to Collections](https://adamwathan.me/refactoring-to-collections) and [Test-Driven Laravel](https://course.testdrivenlaravel.com) by Adam Wathan, and more recently [Docker Essentials](https://dockeressentials.com) by Matthew Setter, and [Modern Software Engineering](https://www.informit.com/store/modern-software-engineering-doing-what-works-to-build-9780137314911) by Dave Farley.

I've restarted my work on the Test-Driven Drupal book recently; finalising its scope, deciding what sort of examples I want to include, and building an [example conference website with Drupal 9](https://github.com/opdavies/test-driven-drupal-app) which is publicly accessible on GitHub so people can see my progress as I continue building it.