{% extends 'base' %} {% block content_wrapper %} <div class="space-y-10"> <div class="space-y-6"> <header> <time datetime="{{ page.date|date('Y-m-d') }}"> Posted on {{ page.date|date('jS F Y') -}} {% if page.tags %} in {% for tag in page.tags %} <a class="link" href="/blog/tags/{{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a> {%- if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} </time> </header> <div> {% include 'post/old-post-message' with { post: page, } only %} </div> <div class="markdown"> <b>{{ page.excerpt }}</b> {% include "post/table-of-contents" with { toc: page.toc } only %} {{ parent() }} </div> {% include 'post/comments-questions' with { twitter: { name: site.twitter.name, url: site.twitter.url } } only %} </div> {% include 'about-author' with { avatar: site.avatar, work: site.work, } only %} </div> {% endblock %}