title: How to put your PHP application in a subdirectory of another site with Nginx
date: 2018-03-12
excerpt: How to configure Nginx to serve a PHP application from within a subdirectory of another.
    - nginx
    - php

In January, [Chris Fidao][0] posted a video to [Servers for Hackers][1] showing
how to put different PHP applications in different subdirectories and have them
serving on different paths with Nginx. I’ve had to do this a few times
previously, and it’s great to have this video as a reference.

> In this video, we work through how to put your PHP application in a
> subdirectory of another site.
> For example, we may have an application running at example.org but need a
> second application running at example.org/blog.
> This feels like it should be simple, but it turns out to be more complex and
> fraught with confusing Nginx configurations! To make matter worse (or,
> perhaps, to illustrate this point), a quick Google search reveals a TON of
> confusing, non-working examples.


[0]: https://twitter.com/fideloper
[1]: https://serversforhackers.com