title: Leaving Nomensa, Joining Precedent
date: 2013-04-20
excerpt: Yesterday was my last day working at Nomensa. Next week, I'll be starting as a Senior Developer at Precedent.
    - nomensa
    - personal
    - precedent

Yesterday was my last day working at
[Nomensa](http://www.nomensa.com 'Nomensa'). Next week, I'll be starting as a
Senior Developer at [Precedent](http://www.precedent.co.uk 'Precedent').

The last 14 months that I've been working at Nomensa have been absolutely
fantastic, and had allowed me to work on some great projects for great clients -
mainly [unionlearn](http://www.unionlearn.org 'unionlearn') and
[Digital Theatre Plus](http://www.digitaltheatreplus.com 'Digital Theatre Plus').
I've learned so much about accessibility and web standards, and have pretty much
changed my whole approach to front-end development to accommodate best
practices. I've also been involved with the Drupal Accessibility group since
starting at Nomensa, and have written several accessibility-focused Drupal
modules, including the
[Nomensa Accessible Media Player](http://drupal.org/project/nomensa_amp 'The Nomensa Accessible Media Player Drupal module')
module and the
[Accessibility Checklist](http://drupal.org/project/a11y_checklist 'The accessibility checklist for Drupal').
I'll definitely be continuing my interest in accessibility, championing best
practices, and incorporating it into my future work wherever possible.

With that all said, I'm really looking forward to starting my new role at
Precedent, tackling some new challenges, and I'm sure that it'll be as great a
place to work as Nomensa was.