title: Don't delete my commit messages
date: 2024-05-11
permalink: archive/2024/05/11/don-t-delete-my-commit-messages
    - software-development
    - git
cta: ~
snippet: |
    Please don't squash my commits and delete my commit messages.

Another reason I don't like squashing commits within pull/merge request is losing detail within the commit messages.

As someone who usually writes detailed commit messages that explain why the change is being made, any gotchas or alternative approaches that were tried, etc, I want that information to be retained.

Previously, when working on a team and doing merge/pull requests, when merging a feature or release branch, either the tool or reviewer would delete all the messages from the squashed commits.

The time I spent writing the messages was wasted, and the information was lost.

I'd rather [keep the original commits intact][yesterday] but, if you need to squash commits, please don't remove the previous messages as they could be useful in the future.

People can see the changes by viewing the commits, but the information within the commit messages are valuable, too.

[yesterday]: {{site.url}}/archive/2024/05/10/optimise-for-revertability