--- layout: post title: Sculpin and Twig Resources date: 2015-07-19 meta: description: A compiled list of resources relating to Sculpin and Twig. tags: - sculpin - drupalcamp - drupalcamp-north - twig slug: sculpin-twig-resources --- {% block excerpt %} Here’s a list of resources that I compiled whilst preparing for my [Sculpin and Twig talk](http://drupalcampnorth.org/session/test-drive-twig-sculpin) at [DrupalCamp North](http://drupalcampnorth.org). {% endblock %} {% block content %} Here’s a list of resources that I compiled whilst preparing for my [Sculpin and Twig talk](http://drupalcampnorth.org/session/test-drive-twig-sculpin) at [DrupalCamp North](http://drupalcampnorth.org). ## General Information * <https://sculpin.io> * <https://sculpin.io/getstarted/> ## Where to Get Sculpin * <https://sculpin.io/download/> * <https://github.com/sculpin/sculpin> * <https://github.com/sculpin/sculpin-blog-skeleton> * <https://github.com/opdavies/sculpin-minimal> ## Source Code Examples * <https://sculpin.io/community/> * <https://github.com/opdavies/oliverdavies.uk> - the source repository for this site. * <https://github.com/simensen/beau.io> * <https://github.com/simensen/srcmvn.com> * <https://github.com/thatpodcast/thatpodcast.io> * <https://github.com/MidwestPHP/mwphp15> * <https://github.com/dev-human/dev-human> * <https://github.com/pantheon-systems/documentation> * Google for "`sculpin_site.yml site:github.com`" for more examples. ## Videos * <http://bit.ly/sculpin-videos> - a YouTube playlist of Sculpin videos. ## Twig * <http://twig.sensiolabs.org/> * <http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/templates.html> - variables, filters, functions, template inheritance, expressions etc. * Go to http://twig.sensiolabs.org/{foo} to search for a tag, filter, test or function. {% endblock %}