title: >
  Do you need that module?
pubDate: 2023-10-11
permalink: >-
  - software-development
  - drupal
  - php

Drupal includes a lot of default functionality and additional core modules you can enable to extend it.

There are also over 50,000 community-contributed modules you can download and add.

But is it worth adding every module?

If you're browsing the list of modules on Drupal.org and find one of interest, is the functionality it adds more valuable than the cost of maintaining it?

Each module increases the number of updates you'll need to do to maintain the website.

What if it becomes unmaintained in the future and prevents you from updating your website to the next version of Drupal or has a security issue and introduces a vulnerability?

Some modules will be crucial to your website, others you can do without if you prefer a smaller maintenance overhead.