title: Speaking at PHP Oxford
date: 2024-01-25
permalink: archive/2024/01/25/speaking-at-php-oxford
snippet: |
  This evening, I was at PHP Oxford, speaking about my Build Configs tool.
  - php
  - phpc
  - symfony

I attended the relaunched PHP Oxford user group meetup this evening, organised by Humand Talent.

I gave the short version of my talk on the [Build Configs] tool I've built and used to manage multiple projects' configuration files.

As it was a shorter talk, I didn't show the internals slides I did remotely for PHP Muninch on Tuesday evening.

However, if anyone wants to see the full slides that show some of the Build Configs code, [they are online][talk].

As well as the Drupal, Fractal, Drupal Commerce Kickstart and Drupal LocalGov examples on GitHub, I created Symfony and Laravel examples that are still unreleased in private repositories. I plan on reviewing those, making them public soon and continuing to iterate on and improve the Build Configs tool itself - making it more valuable to me and my customers and clients.

[build configs]: {{site.url}}/build-configs
[talk]: {{site.url}}/talks/building-build-configs