title: Types add context
date: 2024-08-17
permalink: daily/2024/08/17/types-add-context
    - software-development
    - clean-code
cta: ~
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    Types add helpful context to code, making it easier to read and understand.

In yesterday's email, I wrote about why [readable variable names are important][0] and why I use descriptive variable names in my code.

Given this pseudo-code:

function hande(req, res) {

With the short variable names, whilst you can guess, it's unclear what the variable names are.

However, in this code, we have the same variable names, but we also have additional type information:

function handle(Request req, Response res): void {

Even with the same variable names, I know what their types are and what the function returns, I have better completions and diagnostics in my editor and better static analysis of my code, making it easier to identify and fix potential bugs.

[0]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/08/16/what-are-err--req-and-res