title: Simpler code doesn't mean less code
date: 2025-02-09
permalink: daily/2025/02/09/simpler
  - software-development
cta: ~
snippet: |
  Simpler code doesn't necessarily mean less code.

Just because I consider some code to be simpler, that doesn't necessarily mean there's less code.

It's possible to write a whole function or class on one line, but that doesn't mean it's simple to read or understand.

The opposite is also true.

I can extract business logic from Controller classes into different service classes, commands or actions.

I can use data transfer objects (DTOs), value objects and Collection classes to give names and meanings to things instead of always using generic strings, arrays or objects.

I can follow design patterns and implement Repositories, Decorators, Factories and Builders to better organise code and make it easier to use and update.

I can write tests that act as examples and executable documentation for people to see how to use the code I've written.

This can all make code easier to read, understand and use - even though there is more of it.