title: When would you rather fix a bug?
date: 2024-12-20
permalink: daily/2024/12/20/bug
  - software-development
cta: ~
snippet: |
  Would you rather fix a bug in code you wrote today or six months ago?

You wrote some code that was pushed to production, but it contained a bug.

Would you rather it be code you wrote hours, days, weeks, or months ago?

If you wrote it months ago, you'll have worked on numerous other tasks since then and forgotten all the context and edge cases you had in your mind when you wrote it.

Before fixing the bug, you need to remember all that context and information - if possible.

## Here's the thing

The less time between the code being written and deployed, the more likely you are to remember what you thought when you wrote it.

If it were code you wrote today or yesterday, it would be easier and quicker for you to fix it.

And, the quicker your release schedule is, the sooner the fix will be deployed to your users, customers or clients.