title: Test, then refactor
date: 2024-10-20
permalink: daily/2024/10/20/test-then-refactor
  - software-development
  - refactoring
  - test-driven-development
  - automated-testing
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  Do you make sure you have automated tests before you refactor?

[Whether you prefer PHPUnit or Pest PHP][0], or if you're coding in a different language, it's important to have automated tests - especially before you refactor any code.

Before you refactor, you want to have passing tests that you're confident cover all the required functionality.

When you finish refactoring, the tests should still pass.

Then you know the functionality is the same and the code still works after it's been refactored.

If you don't have tests, how do you know everything still works, or how likely are you to do the refactor at all?

[0]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/10/19/phpunit-or-pest