title: What's the smallest number of dependencies you can have?
date: 2024-07-18
permalink: daily/2024/07/18/smallest-number-of-dependencies
  - software-development
  - drupal
  - php
cta: ~
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  What's the smallest number of dependencies you can have in a project?

Whether it's Drupal modules, PHP libraries, npm packages or Tailwind CSS plugins, what's the smallest number you can have in a project?

I have a list of Drupal modules and other projects that I commonly use, but I try to keep it to as few as possible.

The fewer dependencies there are, the less will need to be updated and maintained.

There's no guarantee each dependency will continue to be supported by its maintainers in the future, and each dependency added is an opportunity to introduce potential bugs and security vulnerabilities.

## Here's the thing

I'm not suggesting you need to write everything by hand as this would be ignoring a major benefit of open-source software, but consider if you need each dependency or if you can achieve the project's goals without it.