title: >
  The lowest level is better than no level
pubDate: 2023-11-29
permalink: >-
  - software-development
  - clean-code
  - static-analysis
  - php
  - phpstan

[Yesterday's email][yesterday] introduced the different levels that PHPStan offers and which you may want to use on your codebase.

In the same way as having a single test is better than none, even if you run PHPStan at the lowest level, it's better than not running it at all.

Level 0 includes:

> Basic checks, unknown classes, unknown functions, unknown methods called on $this, wrong number of arguments passed to those methods and functions, always undefined variables

P.S. If you want to utilise PHPStan and static analysis on your development team and get fewer bugs, I have [availability for team coaching][coaching]. I'll show you how!

[coaching]: {{site.url}}/team-coaching
[yesterday]: {{site.url}}/archive/2023/11/28/which-phpstan-level-should-you-use