date: 2023-11-17
topic: Drupal's Alternate Realities
  - Panagiotis Moutsopoulos
- - DrupalCon Lille
  - https://events.drupal.org/lille2023

- - Panagiotis' BoF session
  - https://events.drupal.org/lille2023/session/drupals-alternate-realities

- - Panagiotis on Drupal.org (vensires)
  - https://www.drupal.org/u/vensires

- - E-Sepia
  - https://www.e-sepia.gr

- - Panagiotis on LinkedIn
  - https://www.linkedin.com/in/panagiotis-moutsopoulos/

- - https://drupal.org.gr
  - https://drupal.org.gr

- - Frontend United
  - https://www.frontendunited.com
  id: 5f7e3397

In this episode, Oliver is joined by Panagiotis Moutsopoulos to discuss about the whole first-time DrupalCon experience of Lille (France) and more specifically, his session Drupal’s Alternate Realities A BoF session presenting some history but mainly the different ways to tackle a problem in Drupal using different methodologies.