title: "2014"
date: 2015-03-20
excerpt: A look back at 2014.
    - drupal-association
    - drupalcamp-london
    - personal
tweets: true

A lot happened in 2014. Here are some of the main things that I'd like to

## Joined the Drupal Association

This was the main thing for me this year, in May I left
[Precedent](http://precedent.com) and joined the
[Drupal Association](https://assoc.drupal.org). I work on the Engineering team,
focused mainly on [Drupal.org](https://www.drupal.org) but I've also done some
theming work on the DrupalCon [Amsterdam](http://amsterdam2014.drupal.org) and
[Latin America](http://latinamerica2015.drupal.org) websites, and some
pre-launch work on [Drupal Jobs](https://jobs.drupal.org).

Some of the tasks that I've worked on so far are:

- Fixing remaining issues from the Drupal.org Drupal 7 upgrade.
- Improving pages for
  [Supporting Partners](https://www.drupal.org/supporters/partners),
  [Technology Supporters](https://www.drupal.org/supporters/technology) and
  [Hosting Partners](https://www.drupal.org/supporters/hosting). These
  previously were manually updated pages using HTML tables, which are now
  dynamic pages built with [Views](https://www.drupal.org/project/views) using
  organisation nodes.
- Configuring human-readable paths for user profiles using
  [Pathauto](https://www.drupal.org/project/pathauto). Only a small change, but
  made a big difference to end-users.
- Migration of user data from profile values to fields, and various user profile
  improvements. This was great because now we can do things like reference
  mentors by their username and display their picture on your profile, as well
  as show lists of peope listing a user as their mentor. This, I think, adds a
  more personal element to Drupal.org because we can see the actual people and
  not just a list of names on a page.

I've started keeping a list of tasks that I've been involved with on my
[Work](/work/) page, and will be adding more things as I work on them.

### Portland

I was able to travel to Portland, Oregon twice last year to meet with the rest
of the Association staff. Both times I met new people and it was great to spend
some work and social time with everyone, and it was great to have everyone
together as a team.

## My First DrupalCamp

In February, I attended [DrupalCamp London](http://2014.drupalcamplondon.co.uk).
This was my first time attending a Camp, and I managed to attend some great
sessions as well as meet people who I'd never previously met in person. I was
also a volunteer and speaker, where I talked about
[Git Flow](/blog/what-git-flow/) - a workflow for managing your Git projects.

{% include 'tweet' with {
  content: '<p>Great presentation by <a href="https://twitter.com/opdavies">@opdavies</a> on git flow at <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23dclondon&amp;src=hash">#dclondon</a> very well prepared and presented. <a href="http://t.co/tDINp2Nsbn">pic.twitter.com/tDINp2Nsbn</a></p>&mdash; Greg Franklin (@gfranklin) <a href="https://twitter.com/gfranklin/statuses/440104311276969984">March 2, 2014</a>'
} %}

I was also able to do a little bit of sprinting whilst I was there, reviewing
other people's modules and patches.

Attending this and [DrupalCon Prague](https://prague2013.drupal.org) in 2013
have really opened my eyes to the face-to-face side of the Drupal community, and
I plan on attending a lot more Camps and Cons in the future.

## DrupalCon Amsterdam

I was also able to travel to Holland and attend
[DrupalCon Amsterdam](https://amsterdam2014.drupal.org) along with other members
of Association staff.

## DrupalCamp Bristol

In October, we started planning for
[DrupalCamp Bristol](http://www.drupalcampbristol.co.uk). I'm one of the
founding Committee members,